5 Types of Dreams Everyone Has & What They May Mean

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Everyone has those dreams, the ones that seem to have a hold on us even after we wake up. There are some dreams that stay the entire day in our minds- strong dreams that seem to haunt us. Here I have listed a few dreams that most of us have and what each of these dreams may actually mean in your life.

1. Falling

Falling in a dream is associated with having an incredibly problematic or stressed-out situation in your life, and in these dreams, you fall at a high speed from a height that will most certainly wake you up with a start! Been there…


2. Being Chased

Usually, people that dream of being chased are avoiding confrontation with something in real life, a problem that needs to be solved. This dream occurs more for women than men.


3. Death/Dying

Dreaming of yourself dying or someone else dying could mean many things for the dreamer. Either that the person is grieving an actual death in their life or the person is ready to start a new life start afresh and can encourage the dreamer to enter the end of something and the beginning of something new.


4. School or Being in a Classroom

When you dream about school it means that there was something in school you need to relearn for the current situation you are in as an adult. Sometimes if an adult is worried about their job they will dream of being back at an extremely pressurized test or exam in school which reflects the work pressure they feel in reality.


5. Sex

People have sex dreams all the time. It sometimes can mean they need an outlet to express or feel these sexual urges. They could also mean you feel very close and intimate with whomever you are with; in the dream or maybe that you want that kind of intimacy with the person in the dream. It may also be a release for pent up frustrations if you are not getting this satisfaction in waking life.


These and many more are dreams that most people have many times over and over. The best way to stop having bad dreams is to deal with the situation in reality so they don’t follow you to your bed. Good night everyone…