A Ride Down Memory Lane: Trams in Kolkata

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The Tram system in Kolkata is the only existing tram network, currently, in India, and the second oldest, too, after Madras (now Chennai). Starting in 1902, trams have been in existence in Kolkata for 118 years now. A tram is basically a vehicle that runs on electricity, which it draws from overhead cables, have special tracks to run on, and designated routes to follow (although initially, they used to be horse-drawn in nature). Due to these special tracks, trams run parallelly with other cars and buses and make their own way even in the busiest streets. They have specific depots from where they depart, and currently, there are some seven tram depots in Kolkata.


Trams have become an intrinsic part of the heritage of Kolkata. Although it is not a particularly fast vehicle, it makes for a very charming ride when you are not in a hurry. Although there are now trams with air conditioning, the old, rusty trams with FM radio playing in them carry a certain vintage charm often lost in today’s fast-paced lives.


Although trams are not the most practical of all transportations, because of their slow speed and lack of availability, trams are an essential part of Kolkata’s soul. Plus, it gets bonus points on the fact that it is a safe and non-harmful form of commuting, in the case of the environment. Because it runs on electricity, it directly does not let out any harmful gases, fumes, or smoke. What better way to travel when you want to be engulfed in the sweet nostalgia the city offers!