Dimples, a Symbol of Beauty or an Abnormality?

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Chubby Cheeks, Dimpled Chin;

Rosy Lips, Teeth Within!

People are in awe of cheek dimples. Whoever has it has a mesmerizing smile. Only 20% of the lucky people in the world have this symbolic beauty. And the rest 80% wish that they had it. So, let’s turn to some scientific pages to find out why dimples are so rare. How to get them and when do they occur?

Dimples Are A Birth Defect

A change in facial muscle causes dimples. So, dimples occur as a result of birth defects. What a perfection for a defect, right? But, don’t worry, it’s rather a harmless birth defect. But why are they so rare? Because our facial features come from our genes. Thus, like any other facial feature, dimples also come from genetics. Parents carry a genetic mutation and pass it down to the children. But not necessarily, children will have dimples if the parents have it. Neither is it necessary for parents to have dimples if their children have them. Natural dimples occur because of genetic mutation.


Can I Have Dimples Please!

Till the modern-day, dimples only occurred naturally. So, people fancied dimple smiles. But if you want to have them on your cheeks, there is a surgery called Dimpleplasty. So, now anyone can have a dimple or two!

The Bottom Line

God has made all of us beautiful in our ways. He has given us inner beauty, outer grace, and spiritual charm. As he says, “Nothing about you is a mistake, for all your days are written in my book”.