Love Or Hate These Personality Traits Coming From Your Sun Sign!

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One shining king, the queen of nights, and millions of fiercely glowing stars. The universe is magic. And as long as humanity has existed, we have been drawn to the sky. By means of Astrology as well as astronomy. At many stages, we have also interlinked both. But Astrology is a science of faith. And it not only tells us about the past, the present, or the future. But a lot more about ourselves.

Hello there, Sun-Signs! Let’s know what’s ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’ about these personality traits coming from the sun signs.

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

Yay- Natural, creative, leadership, Ambitious

These traits are your awesomeness, Aries’s. You are competitive and fight for that goal in your life. You also dive into leadership matters and motivate your peers.

Nay- Self-obsession and bad temper

Many times, Aries folks want to grab every attention and eyes towards them. They want positive validation from everyone at everything they do or suggest. And being overlooked makes them angry.


Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Yay- Hard working, loyal, intuitive

Taureans love to stick to the plan and can move mountains to stand by their word. But they might even tell you if the mountain is going to shake. Because Taureans are very good at intuitions.

Nay- Stubborn, Hate sudden changes, possessive

Taureans get what they want and at the same time have problems adjusting to unwanted changes in life. Besides, the passive-aggressive judgements make Taureans look like a rebel.


Gemini (21 April- June 20)

Yay- Humorous, smart, adaptable

Your bubbly nature makes you a people person everywhere you go. Along with excellent grasping skills and intelligence, Geminis are social butterflies.

Nay- Indecisive, short attention span

The bubbly side of your personality makes you a lot more talkative but paying less attention to detail. You are into many conversations but not deeply into anyone.


Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Yay- Empathetic, creative, persuasive

Cancerians are highly imaginative and masters of persuasion. Being a Cancerian also makes you loving and caring.

Nay- Moody, manipulative, controlling

Many times your persuasion skills come out as manipulation to others. You tend to people and also want them to invest themselves as much as you. And relatively things become messy at some point.


Leo (23 July- 22 August)

Yay- Passionate, lovable, creative, generous

Charming, charismatic, adorable, all these characteristics define you. You are a natural leader and enjoy strong bonds in relationships.

Nay- Fragile ego, arrogance, self-centered

Though your sign is the source of energy in the universe, the world doesn’t revolve around you. And that’s where your ego comes in, which could get hurt with the slightest of the ups and downs.


Virgo (23 August- 22 September)

Yay- Practical, loyal, hard-working

Virgo personalities are diligent. Being a Virgo, you are resourceful and helpful too.

Nay- Overcritical, excessively dedicated to perfection, shy

Too much of anything is not good and that’s what mostly happens with Virgo. They only believe in all work and no play and stick to their self-obsessive critical attitude.


Libra (23 September- 22 October)

Yay- Ridiculously social, diplomatic, charismatic

Librans fit in anywhere with their charismatic charm. You are the popular one in your friend circle and people turn to you when they face problems.

Nay- Hold grudges, indecisive

Librans are known to forgive but don’t forget. And you are fickle-minded too. You find it hard to overcome self-pity and that’s your biggest drawback.


Scorpio (23 October- 21 November)

Yay- Trustworthy, brave, passionate

Scorpions are too ambitious and hard working. They value relationships and are resilient.

Nay- Secretive, violent, harbor jealousy

You are obsessed with mysteries and like to keep them to yourself. You have a powerful subconscious. And you try to get into other people’s minds to dig their deeper secrets.


Sagittarius (22 November- 21 December)

Yay- Idealistic, humorous, witty

Saggis’ have their way into a break and make out of every opportunity. You are an opportunist in a positive manner.

Nay- Impatient, straight-forward, pretentious

Accept it, that you cannot wait for it. You have to go and grab it. You say what comes to your mind, irrespective of how it sounds to others.


Capricorn (22 December- 19 January)

Yay- Dedicated, disciplined, self-control

Capris make their way to the top with their dedication and discipline. They don’t like uncertain shortcuts. Because they would do it one time rather than doing it many times by simpler means.

Nay- Unforgiving, patronizing superiority

You are motivated by self-control. But your urge to feel in control is your enemy too. It drives people far from you and you are received as unapproachable.


Aquarius (20 January- 18 February)

Yay- Independent, creative, unconventional

Aquarius is progressive. You dream about changing the world with your creative thinking.

Nay- Temperamental, unpredictable, uncompromising

While you are unique and love your extraordinary ways, it comes out as a rebel attitude to others. Emotional expression is also a great deal for you.


Pisces (19 February- 20 March)

Yay- Artistic, wise, compassionate

You have a great inclination towards arts and music. You are kind, compassionate, and help people.

Nay- Detached, wish to escape reality, trust easily

You are perceived as flaky by others because you slip off no matter how hard others try to hold your attention. You want to live in your own world inside your head.