Reasons You Should Cry More Often

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Crying is the most intense form of emotion, which is generally associated with deep pain or extreme happiness. It also results out of any kind of pleasure. There are three kinds of tears, reflexive tears that clear out irritants, dirt, and pollutants from the eyes; the continuous one, which keeps our eyes lubricated, and the emotional one, which is psychologically related, and reacts along with intense emotions.

We all have cried at some point in our lives. And if you are denying it, then let me give you a quick reminder, we cried at that time of the life when we came to earth. The kids cry a lot than adults, probably because they are not told not to cry, unlike the adults. In reality, crying is good for both the health and the mind.

Let’s give a quick look at the reasons you should cry often:

1. Stress Reliever

Crying relieves stress to a great extent. Often we are under a lot of pressure; it might be work pressure, might be due to family, or any other personal issues. Instead of accumulating all the pains, one should choose to cry. It doesn’t make anyone weak. Rather it relieves all the stress. According to some researches, when we cry, it removes those chemicals that lower down stress. According to them, tears contain ACTH which is known to be increased in stress.


2. Removes Toxins

Tears are like natural detoxifying agents. The chemicals present within tears flushes out toxins. It also drains out bacteria and dirt. Hence, after crying, people do feel refreshed.


3. Cleans Nostrils

When you cry, tears travel down the nose as well. The tears travel through the tear ducts and also through the nasal passage. It loosens the mucus present in the nose and sheds it down, making the nose clean and moist.


4. Lowers Down Blood pressure

Studies have shown results of lowering down of blood pressure and pulse rate after the patients have cried.


5. Tears cleanse the eyes

It’s not necessary that your tears have to be related with something emotional. It can come out anytime if your eyes need protection. For example, tears come out while cutting onions. Actually, tears contain lysozyme which is antibacterial and it nourishes the cells of the surface of the eye and inside the eyelids.


6. Reduces Manganese When You Cry

Manganese is found in tears in a greater concentration. It is a mineral that affects the brain and nerve function and moods as well. So when you cry, you are actually shedding out all the manganese and helping yourself to regulate the mood in a good way once again.


7. Crying makes you emotionally stronger

Now, this is something purely psychological. It can vary on the basis of the situation. But crying often acts as a defense mechanism, against that bad or stressful situation that has badly affected you. Or if you are crying, because a person or a group of people has hurt you, then you are doing it right. Because, it is not making you weaker, rather it is mentally and psychologically making you stronger. And when you face the same situation the next time, you will not feel the pain or like crying, because you have already dealt with it and cried all the emotions out.


So these are the reasons why you should cry often. So be you are a kid, or a woman, or even a man, break all the myths and cry often. It really heals and helps.