The Neighborhood Quarrels…

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How many of you like to hear other people quarrel over petty issues? How many of you actually make fun of your neighborhood quarrels? Well, it is certainly one of the most relishing timepass of Kolkata. When you are stuck with boredom and are absolutely jobless, overhearing the heated quarrels in the neighboring roadside or apartments is like a boon in disguise for Bengalese.


People gather in the streets to listen to other people quarreling. And, instigate such a scenario by giving in more inputs. In Bengali term, it is called ‘Bhosse Ghee Dhala’. Somehow, everyone tries to take sides and engage themselves. The ones who are left to take any side intensifies the situation with some narrow assumptions or instances and then watch it getting further deep, silently from aside. Then there is another section of people traveling by, who essentially makes time from their hectic schedule to stop and watch the scenes exactly.


Finally, comes the mediator, the influencer of the colony. Thus, creating a scenario of mutual faults and failure and giving way to generate a better relationship as neighbors, further. Perhaps, there is no wrongdoing so. But sometimes, the communication and mediation don’t really wipe out the problems rather subsumes them for future quarrels. Who knows, that might be the sole purpose of mediation? To seek some more fun during pale times in life? That is certainly a mystery for the City of Joy.