Comprising an area of about 300,000 square meters, the Rabindra Sarobar Lake is one the best spot to spend time with your friends and close ones, and eliminate all negativities in life. It is also called the Dhakuria Lake since the lake extends to Dhakuria.
If you are bored, or tired of your life, the daily schedule, and pale times, Rabindra Sarobar Lake, with its magnificent beauty and freshness, can give you some relief. The lake is surrounded by myriads of trees, small plants, walls decorated with benevolent graffiti, a park for children, and so on. Perhaps, greeneries all around, allowing you to come in contact with the natural world. Who knew that an artificial lake can make you associate with the freshness of life? Well, even if you don’t believe it, that is certainly the case.
The lake is open from 5 am in the morning to 8 pm at night. The first rays of the sun reflecting in the waves of the lake and the sweet breeze can break out from all pain and loneliness. You will find people circling the lake twice and thrice, to keep themselves fit and in tune with the natural environment. Old age people come here in the morning to intake the fresh air and soothe their life with the amazing views, devoid of all chaos. In the evening, youngsters and couples come here to spend memorable times, enjoying the warmth of Kolkata and its relative peacefulness.
If you know what’s worth your life, once in your lifetime, you must make a visit to this solace of artificial yet humanly wonder, the Rabindra Sarobar Lake…